Thursday, May 23, 2013

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin

The obsession that women hold for beauty has led the influx of different skin care products in the market. Many women believe that these products will make them look young and beautiful, even as they age. But, instead of opting for these chemical based beauty products, have you thought about going for something more natural and beneficial? You already know about how good coconut oil is for your hair, but did you know that it is equally useful for your skin as well. Take a look at how coconut oil works wonders for your skin.

Moisturising and anti-ageing effects
Coconut oil is a great remedy to get healthy skin. Apply some coconut oil on your skin after bathing and your skin will glow with natural nourishment. Coconut oil provides natural anti-oxidants to the skin and keeps it hydrated. Coconut oil is also helpful in strengthening the tissues beneath the skin. Coconut oil has a unique kind of fatty acid, called medium-chain fatty acid, which helps to strengthen connective tissues and also helps with exfoliation. It also helps in removing or softening wrinkles and age spots.

Medicinal benefits
Coconut oil has some great medicinal properties. Whether you have a bruise that needs taking care of or have cut yourself, coconut oil can help in taking care of all these problems. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, thus giving it some amazing healing qualities. It can take care of your bruises, bug bites, burns, allergies and many more skin problems. Most skin related diseases can be cured using coconut oil like athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, rashes etc. It also causes a reduction in eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis.

Aid for beauty problems 
Coconut can help in taking care of your skin and beauty problems as well. It can be used to reduce and prevent acne. Coconut oil can also help in preventing or softening stretch marks, as well as reducing under eye puffiness and wrinkles. Coconut oil is a good makeup remover, as well as a very naturally beneficial lip balm.

Adds a protective layer
Here is yet another amazing benefit of coconut oil for your skin. Coconut oil adds a protective layer to your skin. The unique fatty acids present in it, along with being an anti-oxidant, create a protective layer that acts as a barrier against germs and parasites. Not only this, it also provides an effective protective layer against the harmful effects of sun, so it can be used as a sunscreen as well. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer for your skin that can also help in treatment of sunburns.

With such unique and good benefits that coconut oil offers, while being absolutely natural and easily available, you can do away with those chemical-based skin-care products to aid your beauty quotient. So, use coconut oil daily to add a natural glow to your and keep away the signs of ageing.

Alcohol more harmful than heroin


Here’s a sobering thought – a study published in The Lancet says that alcohol is more harmful than heroin and three times more harmful than cocaine or tobacco combined especially when considering its overall dangers to the individual and society at large.
Co-authored by Professor David Nutt, a former government chief drugs adviser in the UK, the report says this is so because alcohol is so widely used and that people who crave it are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to get their hands on it.
To those of us who practice moderation, the harm alcohol wreaks on our system is most likely minimal. But for the many who go on drinking binges regularly, alcohol can turn potentially deadly and yes, be even more harmful than hardcore drugs.


When alcohol saturates your brain, your judgment, inhibitions and self-control slip followed by slurring, impaired hearing and blurring of sight. This is because the first spot alcohol interferes with is the brain’s cerebral cortex, where thought-processes and consciousness are centered. If you continue drinking, the cerebellum that controls your movements and balance goes bust. Now you’re swooning and hanging on to chairs and walls for balance. At this point, you know your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is sky high.
A scarier thought is that many drinkers in this condition then stumble their way into the driver’s seat for the journey home. In 2010, Malaysian police arrested some 536 drivers for driving while intoxicated, the bulk of which (not surprisingly) were from Kuala Lumpur.
If you are going to drink, down a glass of water with every alcoholic drink you have. Or dilute your drink with ice or soda. And NEVER drive home yourself.


90% of the alcohol you consume is broken down in your liver by a naturally occurring enzyme called acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Those deficient in ALDH tend to experience extreme flushing and suffer from really bad hangovers. If you drink excessively on a regular basis, your liver will suffer from oxidative stress, which is damage to its cells as it works overtime to break down alcohol.
This kind of continued damage can lead to inflammation and scarring. You only have one liver – better treat it right.


Even a little alcohol has the ability to make your stomach produce more acid than it actually needs. The presence of this acid sitting around in your gut causes gastritis. If you drink more than your body can handle, get ready for tummy pains, vomiting, diarrhea and if you persist, bleeding.
Not surprisingly, excessive alcohol consumption over the long term can increase your chances of cancer of the stomach, pancreas and colon. If you suffer from acid reflux, drinking alcohol only increases the incidence of that stinging acid shooting up your oesophagus.


One of the quickest ways of putting on weight is going on a liquid diet of booze. A glass of wine has the same number of calories as a slice of cake. A pint of beer? The same as a slice of pizza! And think drinking wine is an exception? Think again. The average wine drinker consumes 2,000 extra calories every month.
Calories from alcohol are generally considered empty calories as it carries no nutritional value and has the potential to do more harm than good to your internal organs. Alcohol also stimulates the production of oestrogen in your bloodstream, which in turn promotes fat storage around your waistline and stomach. It also decreases muscle growth. Want to banish the belly? Ditch the booze.

Alcohol ages you. Drinking alcohol dehydrates your skin, your body’s largest organ. It also deprives your skin of the vital hydration, vitamins and nutrients it needs to regenerate cells. For instance, alcohol destroys Vitamin A that is needed for healthy skin and cell turnover as well as Vitamin B6, which assist the body in storing and using energy. Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, is also killed off.
If you drink like there’s no tomorrow, you will experience an increase in fine lines and wrinkles, hair and nails that become weak and dry as well as thinning lips. With the thinning ozone layer, UV rays that destroy our cellular health and the toll daily stress has on our skin, do we really need alcohol to do its part in the process of ageing too?
So the next time you bring that alcoholic drink to your lips, consider this – you’re no better than a drug addict or chain smoker.

Source :

Monday, May 20, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Why Good Employees Quit

By Shel Myeroff

According to the US Department of Labor and Statistics, turnover can cost an organization 33% of an employee’s total compensation including both salary and benefits. But the impact is not only financial it also affects employee morale. Therefore, it would be prudent for hiring managers to focus on reducing turnover rates but in order to do that they must first understand the reasons why employees quit.

There have been many studies and articles written on why good employees leave their current positions. As a veteran search consultant, I have heard an infinite number of reasons first hand. Over the years, I have identified and compiled a list of what I feel are the “Top Ten” reasons why good employees quit:

1) The job was not as expected. All too often the job changes from the original description and what was promised during the interviewing stages. It becomes painfully clear to the new hire that their new company played the bait and switch game which ultimately leads to mistrust. The new hire is now thinking, “What else are they lying about?”

2) Work/Life imbalance. There are times when management demands that one person do the jobs of two or more people. This is especially true when a company downsizes or restructures resulting in longer hours and possible weekend work. Employees are often forced to choose between a personal life and a career.

3) Mismatch between job and new hire. No matter how much you love the candidate, don’t hire them unless they are truly qualified for the job and they mesh with your company culture. Too many times, I’ve seen hiring managers try to fit a square peg into a round hole especially when it comes to a sales position.

4) Management freezes raises and promotions. Money isn’t usually the first reason why people leave an organization but it does rank especially when an employee can find a job earning 20-25% more somewhere else. Make sure your wages are competitive and your benefits package is attractive. Resources like www.salary.comcan provide accurate and appropriate information.

5) Feeling undervalued. It’s human nature to want to be recognized and praised for a job well done. And in business, recognizing employees is not simply a nice thing to do but an effective way to communicate your appreciation for their efforts and successes while also reinforcing those actions and behaviors that make a difference in your organization.

6) Lack of decision-making power. Too many managers micromanage down to the finest detail. Empower your employees and allow them the freedom make suggestions and decisions. I realize that Empowerment is a ‘catch-all’ term for many ideas on employee authority and responsibility; but as a broad definition it means giving employees latitude to do their jobs and placing trust in them.

7) Too little coaching & feedback. Many managers have no clue on how to help employees improve their performance. In addition, many managers put off giving feedback to employees even though they instinctively know that giving and getting honest feedback is essential for growth and in building successful teams and organizations. Your role as a manager is to help your people find the right behavior, not just tell them what to do.

8) Management lacks people skills. Remember that many managers were promoted because they did their first job well, but that doesn’t mean they know how to lead others. People skills can be learned and developed but it really helps if a manager has the natural ability to get along with people and motivate them.

9) Too few growth opportunities. One of the most common reasons employees express for leaving their jobs is lack of challenge and potential for career growth. The most successful employers find ways to help employees develop new skills and responsibilities in their current positions.

10) Loss of faith and confidence in corporate leaders. With employees being asked to do more and more, they see less evidence that they will share in the fruits of their successes. More often than not, when revenues and profits are up, employers are still thinking competitive wages but employees are thinking bonuses, stock options and creative development opportunities.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

10 Best Foods for Your Body

Food can do a lot more than simply satiate and satisfy. We've gathered grub that is great for your hair, skin, eyes, heart, and more.

Avocado for Shiny Hair

"Long touted as the miracle hair food, they're high in vitamins B and E which promote a healthy scalp and the growth of new strands," says Cynthia Pasquella, certified clinical nutritionist, SoCal Cleanse founder. "They're also full of healthy, monounsaturated fats to plump up and moisturize hair follicles. Talk about shine!"

Kiwifruit for Your Bones

Eating kiwifruit will not only help maintain clear skin, it will also promote healthy bones. Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, author of The Beauty Diet, says one cup peeled kiwifruit contains more vitamin C than the equivalent amount of oranges. Plus, it neutralizes free radicals that could lead to things like cancer and heart disease

Garbanzo Beans to Fight Grey Hair

"Since hair is primarily made up of the protein, keratin, it's important to get enough protein to fight off hair breakage and loss," explains Pasquella. "These beans, also known as chickpeas, provide tons along with the trace mineral manganese. It's known to prevent changing pigmentation, a.k.a. gray hair!"

Oysters for Your Eyes

Not only are oysters full of zinc and selenium, according to Drayer, the high levels of these minerals serve as an antioxidant and help protect you against eye-related disease

Cilantro to Prevent Hair Loss

"This herb works wonders for hair loss!" says Pasquella. "It works as a purifying agent to rid the body of toxic metals quickly. A good thing, since they can stop nutrients from getting to your scalp, resulting in hair loss and dull strands."

Salmon for Your Heart

Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids protect against heart disease. A study from Diabetes & Metabolism found that omega-3s keep the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline from peaking.

Lentils for Hair Growth

"They're an ideal source of iron, which is so important for full, lustrous locks!" exclaims Pasquella. "Iron helps bring oxygen to the hair follicles, leading to growth and fullness. This is especially key if you have thin hair."

Ginger, Turmeric, Cocoa, Cayenne, and Cinnamon for Your Blood

These spices have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body, says Paula Simpson, BASc, RNCP. They also help balance blood sugar and can be easily incorporated into beverages or even food.

Hemp Powder for Dry Scalp

"Add a scoop to a smoothie to infuse your hair with essential fatty acids," suggests Pasquella. "This fortifier has the optimal ratio of omega-6 and -3 fatty acids, letting them work most effectively. Insufficient amounts of either can lead to a dry scalp and brittle hair."

Banana for Your Libido

Loaded with B vitamins, the well-hung fruit helps boost testosterone. According to Lynn Nezin, co-author of Great Food, Great Sex, low testosterone levels can make for a sluggish sex drive in men and women.
