Wednesday, August 22, 2012

10 Super Delicious Ways to Fight Cancer

Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the US. It is the second-largest killer in the country. A lot of people are suffering from various kinds of cancer in the US. Scientists and bioengineers have fortunately found out ways to fight this deadly disease. There are various kinds of surgeries and other medical treatments that help treat cancer.
However, prevention is better than cure. It is better to avoid cancer by controlling your diet. You might find it hard to believe, but there are 10 super-delicious foods that help you fight cancer. Below is a list of organic foods that are free of toxic pesticides and can help shield you against cancer.

Kefir - It is full of probiotics that help protect the immune system. This lacto-fermented beverage protects the immune system by maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Pomegranates - This fruit is full of ellagitannins that control the growth of tumors and fight cancer cells. It is very useful in prostate and breast cancer.

Grapes - Grapes are delicious and loved by everyone. Now you have one more reason to add it to your diet. Grapes contain resveratrol that slows the growth of cancer cells.

Green Tea - Green tea promotes and maintains good health. It has a lot of advantages. It also helps fight against cancer (especially lung cancer) by preventing tumor growth and killing cancer cells. The presence of antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) makes it a natural enemy of the cancer.

Flaxseed - Add flaxseed to your diet. This fiber-rich food also has omega 3 fatty acids and alpha linolenic acid (ALA) that help the body fight cancer.

Tomatoes - Tomatoes are used in salads and general cooking. They have a very useful antioxidant, lycopene, which helps control prostate cancer. You should eat it raw and also use tomato juice. It not only helps your sandwich taste better, but also decreases chances of cancer.

Garlic - Garlic, the wonder herb, is a natural antibiotic. It is a cure to dozen diseases, including cancer and is hidden inside it. Thanks to the presence of allicin (an organic compound) it helps control cholesterol and blood pressure. Add it to your diet to live a healthier life.

Berries - Everyone loves berries for their delicious taste. The yummy fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C, and contains ellagic acid that kills cancer cells. They have the highest amount of antioxidants among all the berries.

Broccoli - A source of sulforaphane, this vegetable flushes out cancer-causing chemicals and makes the body healthier and fitter.

Wild Alaskan Salmon - Salmon is not only a delicious food, but is also healthy. Fresh Alaskan salmon is your best option as it is rich with healthy omega 3 fatty acids that are very good for the body. They greatly reduce the risk of cancer. When buying salmon, Atlantic farmer salmon should be avoided as it is mostly treated with antibiotics.

Add these 10 delicious foods to your meal and say good bye to cancer in the tastiest way possible.

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