Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Tips For Healthy Brain

1. Shower with your eyes closed! Showering stimulates several senses including touch, smell, sound and warmth. Closing your eyes gives your other senses a chance to become more active.
2.  Build a miniature model! Following complex written instructions activates your brain and sharpens your concentration. Assembling your own furniture is just as good, and will save you money too.
3. Play pool! Concentrating on the "here and now" blocks out distractions and keeps your mind focused, increasing mental clarity. Billiard players must concentrate on the shot at hand as they strategically plan their next move.

                                Picture of human brain from Wikipedia

4. Get a good night's sleep! People who don't get enough sleep have more trouble learning new information. Sleep gives your brain a chance to consolidate learning and memories.

5.  Learn a new word every day! Working vocabulary correlates with intelligence. New words give us new ways to think, re-energize our brain, and allow us to process ideas with greater nuances.

6.  Play for a while! Intellectual play, creative play, and play that requires co-ordination all stimulate the brain. Stimulating the brain causes measurable changes in the brain as new connections are formed.
7. Do a crossword puzzle! Crossword puzzles train your brain to think critically. They also help you to get better at recalling information that's already inside your brain.

8. Listen to Classical Music! Children who studied piano and sang daily in chorus were much better at solving puzzles than the non-musical group. They also scored higher in spatial intelligence tests.

9.  Spice it up! Scientists from University of California looked into curcumin - a yellow-colored component of the curry spice turmeric. They found that it can slow the onset of memory loss.

10. Brainstorm! Brainstorming means letting your brainpower flow and coming up with original ideas. A stimulating brainstorming session trains your brain to think creatively.Continue in 1 seconds...
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                Image of the human brain showing energy consumption

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